Cosher ), всё таки в науке что-то есть положительное, правда?
Мария Без (?) аюрведа и наука прекрасно соотносятся. Есть сотни научных работ, посвящённых аюрведе. Наука часто исследует уже известные факты, которые в пределах сообщества, скажем, вайдьев, "и козлу понятны". И, бывает, вместо того чтобы исследовать, фигурально выражаясь, то как работает ручка от двери, исследуют её состав, цвет и форму, и даже пытаются выводить из своих исследований какие-то закономерности. Но есть и нормальные работы.
Вот плод экспресс-поиска посвящённого асафетиде. Можно копать дальше но некогда. Три работы: … CS-003.pdf
Из них мне самой интересной показалась третья работа. Там вот такой абзац есть:
4.4. Digestive enzyme activity
In general spices have been considered to strengthen salivary flow and gastric juice secretion and support in digestion. The digestive stimulating action of the spices is most likely through a stimulation of activities of enzymatic participate in digestion. A few common spices or their active principles were examined for their possible influence on digestive enzymes of the pancreas in experimental rat. Groups of animals were maintained for 8 weeks on the following spice diets are curcumin (0.5 mg), capsaicin (15 mg), piperine (20 mg), ginger (50 mg), cumin (1.25 mg) fenugreek (2 mg), mustard (250 mg) and asafoetida (250 mg). Among these spices, asafoetida prominently enhanced pancreatic lipase activity and also stimulated pancreatic amylase. The positive influence of the pancreatic digestive enzymes exerted by a good number of spices consumed in diet could be a factor contributing to the well recognized digestive stimulant action of spices.54 Ramakrishna Rao et al55 also examined the in vitro influence of fourteen spices with asafoetida on the activities of digestive enzymes of rat pancreas and small intestine by including them in the reaction blend at two dissimilar concentrations. A majority of spices enhanced the activity of pancreatic lipase and amylase when they are directly in contact with the enzyme. It is inferred that this positive influence on the activity of enzymes may have a supplementary role in the overall digestive stimulant action of spices, besides causing an enhancement of the titers of digestive enzymes in pancreatic tissue.
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