О, ну раз такая пьянка дискуссия намечается, то вот еще в дополнение и для ленивых (ибо коротко) из Сушруты (Сутрастхана, 6я глава):
तत्र, अव्यापन्नेषु ऋतुष्वव्यापन्ना ओषधयो भवन्त्यापश्च; ता उपयुज्यमानाः प्राणायुर्बल वीयजस्कर्यो भवन्ति ॥१५॥
In underanged seasons, the herbs grow unaffected and also water, these being used promote vitality, longevity, strength, energy and ojas.
That these accumulation etc. of dosas take place in underanged seasons is stated as taträvyäpanneșu etc.; prāṇāḥ - agni, soma etc. ayuḥ - combination of body, sense organs, psyche, self and mind; balam - characterized by enthusiasm and development: viryam - energy, power, ojaḥ - the essence of seven dhātus situated in heart.
तेषां पुनर्व्यापदोऽदृष्टकारिताः, शीतोष्णवातवर्षाणि खलु विपरीतान्योषधीयांपादयन्त्यपश्च ॥१६॥
Derangement of these (seasons) is caused by adrsta (unseen factor), thus abnormal cold, heat, air and rains affect herbs as well as water adversely.
Wherefrom does derangement of seasons originate? this is stated as 'tesam punah etc... tesam- of seasons; vyäpadah abnormality verily of cold, heat, air and rains: adrstena - by adharma (non-righteousness), the universally common factor, karitäh impelled to cause: Sitosna etc. - viparitäni- deficient, faulty or excessive; aşadhirapasca vyapadaynti- make herbs and water abnormal; others, however, read 'Sitosnavatavarsáni etc. differently with a preamble as - 'unrighteousness is the impelling cause in the origin of derangement, which is then the independent doer? this is stated as - abnormality of cold, heat and rains derange herbs and also water'
तासामुपयोगाद्विविधरोगप्रादुर्भावो मरको वा भवेदिति ॥१७॥
By their use there may be appearance of various diseases or epidemic leading to death of the people.
The undesirable consequence of the use of deranged herbs and water is stated as täsämupayogar etc.
In normal seasons herbs grow endowed with normal taste and potency while in abnormal ones they are deranged and harmful causing various disorders and even epidemic with mass death: 'maraka' is epidemic causing massive loss of life in community.
तंत्र, अव्यापन्नानामोषधीनामपां चोपयोगः ॥१८॥
Then the use of underanged herbs and water is wholesome.
The principle of treatment of the derangement of seasons is stated as tatra avyapannanam etc., the word 'avyāpanna' is related to both, thus avyāpannāh osadhayah underanged (old) herbs; avyāpannāh apah - underanged (boiled) water. Others read "tatra puranabhirosadhibhiranupahatavīryabhiḥ kriyāḥ kāryāḥ in place of 'tatră vyäpannānāmosadhinamapancopayogah, but this is quite uncommon and as such has not been mentioned.
कदाचिदव्यापन्नेष्वपि ऋतुषु कृत्याभिशापरक्षः क्रोधाधर्मेरुपध्वस्यन्ते जनपदाः, विषौषधि पुष्पगन्धेन वा वायुनोपनीतेनाक्रम्यते यो देशस्तत्र दोषप्रकृत्यविशेषण कासश्वासवमथुप्रतिश्याय शिरोरुरज्वरैरुपतप्यन्ते, ग्रहनक्षत्रचरितैर्वा, गृहदारशयनासनयानवाहनमणिरत्नोपकरणगर्हित
लक्षणनिमित्तप्रादुर्भावैर्वा ॥१९॥
Sometimes, even in underanged season, the communities are annihilated by witchcraft, cursing, anger of invisible organisms (rakshasa) and unrighteousness (adharma), or the place which is polluted with air carrying odour of poisonous flowers is affected, according to characters of dosas, with cough, dyspnoea, vomiting, coryza, headache and fever, or by emerged hy despisedous movements of planets and stars, or with those in house, wife, cot, seat, carriage, animal used for riding, gems, stones and other accessories.
There are also causes other than derangement of seasons which initiate diseases, this is stated as kadācid etc.; kadacit-sometimes, not always, kṛtya-a particular witch produced by the magical spells of the wrathful priest; in others' view, it is a specific exorcism destroying the entire nation while generally exorcism kills a single person; abhisapaḥ - cursing of preceptor, accomplished persons etc.; rakṣas are engaged in violence and born in the family of heti and praheti, 'rakṣaḥ krodhah' - 'anger of these raksas': adharmaḥ-unrighteousness, bad conduct relating to body, speech and mind; upadhvasyante-are annihilated, afflicted; janapadāḥ-communities, people; visausadhipuspagandhena etc. - by the odour of the flowers of poisonous plants; in what way? vayunopanitena - brought close by air, by this the communities are afflicted with dyspnoea, cough etc., osadhayaḥ - tree of suvilinda etc., others read 'kāsasvāsa' etc. differently as kasaśvāsapratiśyāyagandhājñānabhramaśirorugjvaramasūrikādibhi
rupatapyante' and interpret as cough, dyspnoea, coryza, anosmia, giddiness and headache are caused by air entered into nostrils while fever, pox etc. by that coming in contact with skin: grahanakşatracaritairva-movements of planets, saturn etc., in inauspicious position and stars, asins etc. inflicting the birth star with the fall of meteor etc., grhadara etc. - diseases manifested by the inauspicious signs of house etc. with them the communities are afflicted; däräh-wives; Sayanam - cot; asanam-seat, chair: yanam-conveyance, palanquin, chariot etc., vähanam - animal for riding, elephant, horse etc., manih-gem, sphatika (quartz) etc.; ratnāni - precious jewels (from house to gem), otherwise mani and ratna being synonymous may be repetition; in others' view 'manis' are some particular parts of snake while 'ratnas' are ruby etc.; upakaraṇāni - accessories such as pitcher, pan, winnow etc.; or house etc. are themselves accessories. Others, however, omitting the words grha, dära and nimitta read it as 'Sayanäāsa nayana vähanamaniratnopakaranagarhitalakṣaṇaprădurbhāvairvā.
Apart from derangement of seasons, magical spells, odour of the flowers of poisonous plants the particular movements of planets and stars may cause epidemics. Caraka, however, mentions unrighteousness as its root cause.
तत्र, स्थानपरित्यागशान्तिकर्मप्रायश्चित्तमङ्गलजपहोमोपहारेज्याञ्जलिनमस्कारतपोनियमदयादान दीक्षाभ्युपगमदेवताब्राह्मणगुरुपरैर्भवितव्यम्, एवं साधु भवति २०॥
In that case, one should change the place, perform pacificatory rite (shanti karma) expiation (prayashchitta), auspicious observance, repetition of mantras (japa), oblations (homa), offerings, sacrifices, folding hands, salutation (namaskara), austerity (tapas), observance of scriptural rules (niyama), compassion, charity, initiation and obedience and be devoted to gods, brahmanas and teachers, thus everything becomes alright.
Now general management of diseases caused by deranged seasons etc. is stated as tatra sthana ctc., the injurious condition of seasons happens due to unrighteousness and as such the remedy prescribed therein is pertaining to gods; Santih-quietude, control over sense organs, or pacificatory rites prescribed by vedas: prayascittam-expiation for subducing the previous deeds such as cândrayana etc. as prescribed by religious codes: or prayah means austerity and citta means determination, thus prayascitta is so called as it is combined with austerity and determination; mangalam-wearing auspicious roots, gems etc.: japah-repetition of vedic hymns preceded by Om: homah-oblations numbering lac, crore or million; upaharah-offering of cow, horse etc. to gods, others take it as animal sacrifice: ijyä - sacrifice: anjalih folding of hands with devotion; namaskaraḥ-physical, verbal and mental salutation to gods, brähmanas and teachers; tapal-austerity, fasting etc., niyamal scriptural rules, silence ete: dayd-compassion on animals; dänam-charity according to capability, dikşa-initiation from preceptor, abhyupagamah-obedience to preceptor's instruction ete: para (devoted) is related to each change of place etc.; evam sadhu bhavati-thus it become alright.
Спасибо сказали: Cosher ), Глеб Камалутдинов, Андрей Головинов, Екатерина Балык, Иван Мерзляков, Ксения Разина, Михаил Братухин, Александр Ф., Анастасья, Avelora, Марина Литвинец11